Power on the Starz network is an American crime drama series set primarily in New York City. It first aired in 2014, and the show was created by Courtney Kemp. One of the notable executive producers of the show is Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson who also has a role in the show. The show continues to do quite well, and it is hard not to watch how the primary characters deal with the challenges they face. There are several ways to watch Power. You can use the Starz app or Netflix USA. If you want to watch the show online, you need to have one or both of those and be located in the US or territories. If you want to watch it outside of the US, the service will block you unless you use a VPN.
There are a few things you need to know about watching Power on the Starz network. First of all, Starz is a premium offering. You can get access to Power and all of the shows for $8.99 a month after the trial. You also need to be in the US or connect to a US server. Because of licensing rights, you are limited to those areas. By using a VPN, you can watch Power while you are traveling outside of the US.
Quickstart Guide for Using a VPN with Power
For the quickest and easiest way of how to watch Starz Power online, follow these steps.
- Sign up for ExpressVPN (includes a 30-day money back guarantee).
- Open a browser, go to Starz, and sign up for service. If you have not created your account yet, you will want to register with the VPN as well.
- After your purchase, you can watch Power and all of the shows, just make sure you are connected to a VPN before you try.
Why Do You Need a VPN to Watch Power
Why is Power not available in my country? Why does it not show up on the library of streaming services in my country? Many companies have implemented geo-restrictions over the years. One reason for this is licensing rights. They may only be able to have the content available in certain regions of the world. Meanwhile, audiences have very different tastes and streaming services will curate content for each library. This may mean that your favorite show could be available to someone that lives in a different country.
ExpressVPN will help you get around this issue. It will change your IP address to another in a location of your choosing. This will also mask your current IP and help you appear in a different country. This will unblock the streaming service or the regional library and help you watch any show that you want. It will also help you gain access to other channels that may not be available in your region. Watch your favorite shows unrestricted with a VPN.
Gain Access to All the Popular Shows on Starz
Above, we have given you the best options to watch Starz Power online. Let’s take a look at some of the other great shows you can find on the Starz app.
- Power Book II: Ghost
- Outlander
- Black Sails
- Counterpart
- Party Down
- P-Valley
- The Girlfriend Experience
- Blindspotting
- American Gods
- Run the World
And many many more options for you to enjoy. For specific schedules, be sure to check the Starz website for further details. You also have the ability to binge watch.
How ExpressVPN Can Help You Stream Power
ExpressVPN will help you unblock content. Many streaming services are not available everywhere in the world. Others like Netflix have content libraries that change depending on where you are located. A VPN can help you gain access to these exclusives titles. ExpressVPN has 160 server locations across 94 countries. It will help you by masking your current IP address and giving you a new one in a place you choose. Connecting to the correct region will help you unblock content. Those wanting to watch shows can do so with unlimited bandwidth and fast speeds. ExpressVPN helps you unblock streaming services, shows, music, and more.
ExpressVPN is a great service that will protect your privacy. Your IP will be masked to help you get access to geo-blocked content. The company also does not keep active logs of its users. Keep your data safe, while streaming shows, playing video games, and searching the internet. We are excited to share our exclusive offer which will help you get an extra 3 months free. ExpressVPN provides a 30-day money-back guarantee that will help you try out the service for yourself.