Steven Universe is an animated show about a group of aliens called the Crystal Gems. These self-appointed guardians of the galaxy. The show centers around Steven Universe, a Gem-human hybrid that is basically the kid brother of the group. It is the classic story of greatness teaching younger people how to use their powers. You can find season 5 of this fun series on Netflix, providing you are in the right location. If you want to watch it in the US, you can still do so, as long as you connect to a VPN.
How to change Netflix regions to watch Steven Universe
If you want to watch season 5 of Steven Universe on Netflix from the US, follow these steps.
- Sign up for ExpressVPN (includes a 30-day money-back guarantee).
- Download the app to your desktop, tablet or mobile device.
- Once you launch the app, you need to connect to a VPN server in the UK.
- From here, open the Netflix app or website and search for Steven Universe.
- Enjoy season 5 and other great shows anywhere in the world.
Why do you need a VPN to watch season 5 of Steven Universe?
Why is Steven Universe not available on Netflix in my country? It may be available in your country, but not all locations have season 5. As we mentioned, the show is only available in certain regions due to licensing rights. That’s because they only have content licenses available in some areas of the world. Currently, Steven Universe is available in 21 countries. However, only a hangful of them have season 5. These regions are the UK, Ukraine, Russia, Mexico, and Israel. That means if you are in the US, you’ll usually have to miss out.
Luckily, ExpressVPN will help you solve this problem. It will do that by changing your IP address to the area you want to use. This will also mask your current IP, so you’ll appear in one of those countries. Not only will it unblock the show so you can watch it in the US, but it will also unblock other regional libraries as well. This will unblock the streaming service or the regional library and help you watch any show that you want. That way, you can watch your favorite shows unrestricted with a VPN.
This show has a staggering critical rating
This show may be silly (his powers come from his belly button), but a popular rating website gave it a 100% critical rating. Even the audience rating on the show is a massive 88%. That means it is overwhelmingly liked. When watching the show, it is not hard to see why. Even though the show is silly, Steven finds a way to save the day. It is really an underdog tale where the suspected weakest character ends up being the hero and most valuable asset of the team. While you can’t find all 5 seasons of the show on Netflix, you can at least find seasons 4&5 in the UK. If you want to catch up on seasons 4 and 5, this is the way to do it.
Check out the official trailer for Steven Universe:
ExpressVPN is our top pick for watching Steven Universe
ExpressVPN is the best choice for unblocking streaming services. Many are only available in certain parts of the world. A VPN can help you unblock them. ExpressVPN has over 3,000 servers located across 94 countries around the world. When connecting to a server, the VPN will give you a new IP address from the region and mask your original one. This will allow you to watch your favorite shows, movies, and sports uninterrupted. It also gives you access to the different libraries of Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. ExpresssVPN will help you unblock content internationally.
ExpressVPN is a reputable service. Your data will be safe while using it as the company uses strong encryption. Along with this, ExpressVPN does not keep logs of its users’ activities. The service will also help protect you from outside threats. Professional gamers will be provided extra protection from DDoS attacks. We are excited to share with you our exclusive deal. When you subscribe to a year of the service, you get an extra 3 months free. ExpressVPN provides you a 30-day money-back guarantee that allows you to see the benefits of a VPN risk-free.