Charmed is a 2018 TV show reboot of the original show of the same name that aired from 1998-2006. The new version of Charmed stars Melonie Diaz, Sarah Jeffery, and Madeleine Mantock as the three sisters who are witches known as The Charmed Ones. They must protect innocent lives from demons that threaten to destroy everything good in San Francisco where they live. Their powers include telekinesis, molecular immobilization (freezing), premonition/prophecy, and empathy with other beings including animals or even magical creatures such as genies or dragons. If you want to watch this show outside the USA, you’ll need to connect to a VPN.
How to change Netflix regions to watch Charmed
If you want to watch Charmed on Netflix from outside the US, follow these steps.
- Sign up for ExpressVPN (includes a 30-day money-back guarantee).
- Download the app to your desktop, tablet or mobile device.
- Once you launch the app, you need to connect to a VPN server in US.
- From here, open the Netflix app or website and search for Charmed.
- Enjoy the show and other great options anywhere in the world.
Why do you need a VPN to watch Charmed?
Why is Charmed not available on Netflix in my country? As we mentioned, the movie is only available in certain regions due to licensing rights. That’s because they only have content licenses available in some areas of the world. Currently, Charmed is only available in the United States. In other words, if you are not in the US, you’ll have to miss out on this show.
Luckily, ExpressVPN will help you solve this problem. It will do that by changing your IP address to the area you want to use. This will also mask your current IP, so you’ll appear in one of those countries. Not only will it unblock the show so you can watch it wherever you are, but it will also unblock other regional libraries as well. This will unblock the streaming service or the regional library and help you watch any show that you want. That way, you can watch your favorite shows unrestricted with a VPN.
How does the reboot stack up?
In addition to using their individual abilities for protecting innocents from evil forces, the sisters also rely on a Book of Shadows which contains spells created by generations of previous witch women throughout history to help them fight these dark forces.
This series shows a lack of imagination because it is a reboot of the original. While the original had an audience score of 95%, this version has an abysmal 40% audience rating by comparison. It still follows the scheme, but apparently, not very well. The bottom line is, if you were a fan of the original show, this one has certainly lost its magic. There is nothing “charmed” about this one.
Here is a quick look at some of the cast members.
- Melonie Diaz – Mel Vera
- Madeleine Mantock – Macy Vaughn
- Sarah Jeffery – Maggie Vera
- Rupert Evans – Harry Greenwood
- Jordan Donica – Jordan Chase
- Poppy Drayton – Abigael Jameson-Caine
- Nick Hargrove – Parker Wagner-Caine
- Ser’Darius Blain – Galvin Burdette
If you have not seen the show before, check out the official trailer for Charmed:
Why ExpressVPN will help you watch Charmed
ExpressVPN is our choice for helping you unblock content. A VPN will help you by masking your current IP address and giving you a new one in a region you choose. This is how you unblock video games, TV shows, websites, social media, and more. You will be safe, while accessing this blocked content. ExpressVPN encrypts your data to protect you while online. Along with this, you have a kill switch that will continue to protect your privacy if the VPN were to drop. You can browse the internet anonymously. ExpressVPN will help you unblock content around the world privately.
ExpressVPN is a quality service. You will be able to unblock content no matter where you are traveling or at home. Stream your favorite content safely with a VPN. We are excited to tell you about our exclusive deal. When you subscribe for a year, you get 49% off and receive 3 extra months for free. Along with this, ExpressVPN has a 30 day money back guarantee. This will allow you to test out the service and see how a VPN can help you.