Manifest is a drama that is broadcast by the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC). The premise of this show follows Montego Air Flight 828. When it landed safely after a routine but turbulent flight, everyone was relieved. However, they soon find out that the world aged 5 years and that their mourning loved ones had given up and moved on. It is not the first movie or show to deal with missing planes. Coincidentally, the show airs 4.5 years after the Malaysian Air flight MH370 went missing. This show should be good, but it is unknown how the show will ultimately turn out. If you want to give this one a shot, you would need a cable/satellite/streaming subscription and be located in the US. If you are outside the country, you would be blocked. We’ll show you how to watch Manifest with a VPN.
Quickstart Guide for Using a VPN with Manifest
For the quickest and easiest way to watch NBC, follow these steps.
- Sign up for ExpressVPN (includes a 30-day money back guarantee).
- Now, download and install the app on your favorite device.
- Once you have opened the client, locate a server in the United States.
- Open a browser and connect to the NBC.
- Watch and enjoy all of the great programming options of the NBC.
Why Do You Need a VPN to Watch Manifest
Why is Manifest not available in my country? Why does it not show up on the library of streaming services in my country? Many companies have implemented geo-restrictions over the years. One reason for this is licensing rights. They may only be able to have the content available in certain regions of the world. Meanwhile, audiences have very different tastes and streaming services will curate content for each library. This may mean that your favorite show could be available to someone that lives in a different country.
ExpressVPN will help you get around this issue. It will change your IP address to another in a location of your choosing. This will also mask your current IP and help you appear in a different country. This will unblock the streaming service or the regional library and help you watch any show that you want. It will also help you gain access to other channels that may not be available in your region. Watch your favorite shows unrestricted with a VPN.
Popular Shows on NBC
After looking at the options above, here’s a look at some of the other shows available on NBC.
- New Amsterdam
- La Brea
- This is Us
- Blacklist
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- Ordinary Joe
- The Jimmy Fallon Show
- Transplant
Of course, there are quite a few other options. Those include sports, movies, news shows, and more. Remember, you have to sign in before you can watch anything. You also need to be connected to a VPN first, or you will face geo-blocks outside the US.