Dr. Stone is an animated TV series about a young male high schooler who wakes up after a mysterious apocalyptic event turns everyone into stone statues. The story centers around the survival of the main protagonist, Senkō High School student Taiju Okihara and his friend Yuuki Sakuragi as they come across other “normal” human survivors while searching for food to eat in an abandoned convenience store. Quickly becoming friends with these survivors, Taiju learns of their intention to leave for the island of Shōdo-shima where the fruit is said to have grown still on trees. Successfully capturing a boat from some oar-powered fisherman known as Danzō, the group eventually reaches Shōdo-shima only to find all life on its shores is dead. If you want to watch this show, it is only available in specific countries. To watch both seasons in the USA, you need to connect to a VPN.
How to change Netflix regions to watch Dr. Stone
If you want to watch Dr. Stone all 2 Seasons on Netflix from the US, follow these steps.
- Sign up for ExpressVPN (includes a 30-day money-back guarantee).
- Download the app to your desktop, tablet or mobile device.
- Once you launch the app, you need to connect to a VPN server in Japan.
- From here, open the Netflix app or website and search for Dr. Stone.
- Enjoy the series and other great shows anywhere in the world.
Why do you need a VPN to watch the series?
Why is Dr. Stone not available on Netflix in my country? Why does it not show up on the Netflix library in my region? As we mentioned, the show is only available in certain countries due to licensing rights. That’s because they only have content licenses available in certain regions of the world. That means if you are not in the right area, you’ll have to miss out.
Luckily, ExpressVPN will help you solve this problem. It will do that by changing your IP address to the area you want to use. Currently, both seasons are available in India, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, and others. This will also mask your current IP so you’ll appear in one of those countries. Not only will it unblock the show so you can watch it in the US, but it will also unblock other regional libraries as well. This will unblock the streaming service or the regional library and help you watch any show that you want. That way, you can watch your favorite shows unrestricted with a VPN.
What to know about Dr. Stone
Finding a single fruit still fresh, the group we mentioned earlier concludes that if civilization is to be restored they must create stone axes and start chopping down trees themselves. However, before Taiju can begin he awakens in the care of two kids named Kinro Hinohara and Senku Ishigami who found him hiding in a barrel on their island while searching for food—more specifically bananas.
What follows are adventures with charming characters as our protagonists make use of superhuman strengths to create new technology like human-powered transport vehicles culminating in an eventual permanent resurrection of humanity.
Check out the official trailer for Dr. Stone:
ExpressVPN can unblock Dr. Stone and so much more
ExpressVPN is the best for unblocking content. Many channels are not available in different parts of the world. This means that if you are traveling internationally that you could miss the latest episode of your favorite series. You could also miss the big game. Luckily, ExpressVPN has you covered. You can connect to a region where the channel is available and stream it from wherever you are located. You never have to miss a minute of your favorite shows like Big Brother, Survivor, or The Amazing Race. Use ExpressVPN to unblock your favorite shows internationally.
ExpressVPN is a quality service. You will be able to unblock content no matter where you are traveling or at home. Stream your favorite content safely with a VPN. We are excited to tell you about our exclusive deal. When you subscribe for a year, you get 49% off and receive 3 extra months for free. Along with this, ExpressVPN has a 30 day money back guarantee. This will allow you to test out the service and see how a VPN can help you.